Grant Winners become Growth Engines: Helping Nonprofits Manage a New Paradigm

Three non-profit organizations faced a sudden influx of over $60 million in federal grants. While this is the kind of high-quality problem most organizations dream of having, it was anticipated that there might be operational challenges in managing these grants. The organizations turned to WhiteLabel to run an Operational Diagnostic. Over a three-month period, WhiteLabel investigated the firms to find strength and weaknesses in human capital, processes, and systems, interviewing stakeholders, combing through financial documents, and benchmarking the firms against best practices. Presented to the executive directors and boards, the diagnostics highlighted issues, and detailed remediations, necessary to effectively manage growth and the grants. For the largest grant winner, WhiteLabel stayed on to help the firm implement outlined recommendations, coach senior executives, and help redesign the finance department, which was already struggling trying to manage an organization that had more than a half-dozen non-profit and for-profit entities, and help and select an enterprise-wide risk management system. An added bonus: WhiteLabel was able to pay for itself by negotiating highly favorable terms on the ERP system.


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