ESG Finance Takes Root: Founding COO Drives 8x Growth for UN-backed Initiative

The United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) was finding its feet. The nascent initiative lacked an operational foundation, a sustainable business model and a team to carry out its vital mission. A WhiteLabel partner was hired as its Chief Operating Officer (COO), responsible for developing a scalable operational framework to guide the company's growth. They also created a long-term strategic roadmap and a compelling go-to-market and global outreach campaign, focused on the company's value proposition and how their initiative was well-positioned to promote ESG. Through these efforts, the company successfully attracted and engaged potential members. The partner also drove a transition to the initiative’s business model: moving it from voluntary donations to membership fees. Under his leadership, the organization tripled its membership, increased its revenues sevenfold and expanded staff by 12-fold. Today the UN PRI is one of the most powerful forces promoting responsible finance and ESG.


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