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Launch, Grow, Transform, Fund Kaitlin Archambault Launch, Grow, Transform, Fund Kaitlin Archambault

Giving a Voice to Gen Z: Building the Next Generation of Mental Health Support

Gen Z struggles with finding meaningful connections and comprehensive mental health support. Promly, a social enterprise, envisioned a world where young people have access to holistic support and resources. To achieve this, a WhiteLabel partner, first as a consultant, then as a fractional COO, embedded in Promly. As a hybrid organization, with both a non-profit (501(c)3) and Public Benefit Corporation (PBC), it can fundraise across the spectrum of capital, blending traditional grants with commercial investment matching its for-profit and non-profit work. WhiteLabel worked on finding the right fit for funding, creating compelling narratives tailored to a wide variety of investors and donors, often the same people. Understanding that lasting change requires systematic support, using their depth of experience in advocacy, WhiteLabel got Promly in front of advocacy and public affairs opportunities. WhiteLabel continues to partner with Promly. “They got our value proposition and helped us raise our brand awareness through a differentiated path — advocacy and public affairs. Operationally, they were able to upscale Promly’s business and organizational models, positioning us for sustainable, efficient growth. I could not recommend them higher,” said CEO Jen Libby.

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Transform, Grow Kaitlin Archambault Transform, Grow Kaitlin Archambault

Scaling-up for Impact: Building Operational Strength in a Mission-Driven Enterprise

The Center for Rural Innovation was growing rapidly. Within four years, its leadership had taken the firm from an idea to a multi-million-dollar enterprise with a non-profit, for-profit, and seed fund, all aimed at advancing economic prosperity in rural America. The firm’s growth was exceptional, but operations had not kept pace. After a Director of Finance resigned, WhiteLabel was brought in to diagnose issues and implement remediations. Initially, WhiteLabel helped stabilize the finance department, operating as interim CFO and controller. The initial tasks: harmonizing revenue lines, legal structure and guiding the company through its first audit. WhiteLabel also successfully led the recruitment of a new Director of Finance. WhiteLabel continued to support CORI through its transition, including leading the selection and implementation of enterprise-wide systems. “Being able to harness WhiteLabel's insight and experience has proven invaluable to me,” said Robin Kilfeather-Mackey, CORI’s Director of Finance and Operations. “The WhiteLabel diagnostic report I was handed upon my arrival allowed me to immediately zero in on the organization's pain points and direct my attention squarely where it was needed most in those early days.”

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Transform Kaitlin Archambault Transform Kaitlin Archambault

Adapting to Adversity: Reimagining Support for Ukraine's Startup Ecosystem

Ukraine has a thriving cadre of startups – several have become household names (think Grammarly). Ukraine, however, lacks a thriving venture capital sector. Trying to remediate, the USAID-sponsored Competitive Economic Project wanted to launch a Ukraine-based early-stage investment fund. To facilitate the launch, it hired WhiteLabel to conduct a feasibility study. WhiteLabel investigated Ukraine’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, meeting with hundreds of start-ups, investors, incubators, tech-transfer-teams, and legal professionals. The initial results were not good: with a potential war with Russia on the horizon and a poor regulatory environment, no investors wanted to invest in a Ukraine-based entity. There was, however, substantial interest in the startups, and supporting them. WhiteLabel suggested that the program pivot, focusing on technical support, and partnering with other donor agencies already funding Ukraine’s high-growth business sector, including introducing the team to an eventual partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. “In addition to being some of the smartest people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, WhiteLabel brings an extraordinary level of client service,” said Program Lead Deborah Fairlamb.

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Transform Kaitlin Archambault Transform Kaitlin Archambault

Navigating Complexity: Designing a Roadmap for Middle East Startups

USAID was having trouble structuring an investment program to further entrepreneurial growth in the Middle East. Uncertain of fund structure, regulatory landscape, and the right folks to partner with to propel nascent entrepreneurial ecosystems in Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon, it turned to WhiteLabel. Starting in DC, we worked with senior members of the USAID team on correcting some issues in the initial structure. WhiteLabel then designed what became a much-replicated assessment framework. For more than three months in-country, WhiteLabel implemented the assessment, meeting with hundreds of companies, investors, government officials, mentors and managers of incubators, and legal and regulatory professionals. The team was able to broaden the initiative’s focus, define the investment terms and fund structure, and find the best-suited professionals for USAID to partner with, to make the initiative a success. As one senior USAID official said, “One of the best processes I have experienced at USAID, from design to execution–creative and professional. These folks are sharp.”

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Grow, Transform, Fund Kaitlin Archambault Grow, Transform, Fund Kaitlin Archambault

Game Changer: Transformation, Growth, and Capital Raising for Social Purpose

One Earth Rising wants to change the way gaming works: It wants to turn the Metaverse into the Purposeverse. Given that gaming is the most popular activity on the planet, gaming and gamers should have a greater vision of how gaming engages with the planet. Looking to achieve that greater vision, One Earth Rising turned to WhiteLabel. Recognizing the potential, WhiteLabel proposed a pivot from developing games to becoming a platform for socially conscious game developers. Working with One Earth Rising, WhiteLabel helped the firm sharpen its long-term strategy, develop a streamlined operational structure, and create, and lead, a fundraising campaign, targeting socially responsible investors. To facilitate the structural changes, a WhiteLabel founding partner embedded in One Earth Rising, as COO. He liked the gig so much, he stayed.

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Transform Kaitlin Archambault Transform Kaitlin Archambault

From Lockdown to Lift-Off: Bouncing Back from the Pandemic

The pandemic was not kind to Sched, an event scheduling software company. With social distancing, came an end to social events. Sched, which had been growing steadily, saw its revenues collapse. Seeking help with financial management and cost-cutting, Sched partnered with WhiteLabel to develop a turnaround strategy. “WhiteLabel helped us evaluate and make a variety of strategic decisions during our time together. They provided useful insights, systems, and resources during a period when we needed it the most,” said Marvin McTaw, the company’s CEO. “The most important part of this really comes from their ability to ask great questions that bring underlying assumptions and meaningful considerations to light. Their questions and collaborative thinking ultimately helped us make better decisions to chart our company's path forward.” Part of that path forward was identifying the need to take sole operational burden off the CEO’s shoulders, identifying that the firm needed a strong operational second to the CEO’s visionary leadership style. Creating and leading the search, WhiteLabel was able to help Sched source, and, ultimately, hire some exceptionally qualified talent. Today, Sched is thriving and continues to partner with WhiteLabel.

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Grow, Transform, Fund Kaitlin Archambault Grow, Transform, Fund Kaitlin Archambault

Pivot to success: A Business and Product Strategy for a Digital Media Company

ImpactAlpha's commitment to covering the world of impact investing wasn't matched by a sustainable business model. It faced the challenge of achieving financial stability while staying true to its mission. A WhiteLabel partner joined forces with the ImpactAlpha team to spearhead a strategic pivot. This involved deep collaboration to clarify the company's vision and ensure all stakeholders shared a common purpose. Together, they developed a revised business model and product strategy designed to attract a paying audience. Additionally, the WhiteLabel partner played a key role in securing philanthropic seed funding, providing much-needed support during this transition period. This strategic shift, combined with the crucial funding, proved transformative for ImpactAlpha. They successfully became a commercially viable platform, securing its first revenue streams. ImpactAlpha recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and is the “platform of record,” a source for news, educational materials, convenings, and data essential for the impact economy.

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Transform Kaitlin Archambault Transform Kaitlin Archambault

Reimaging Relevance: Turning the Tide at a Trade Association

Things were looking grim at a trade association focused on issues around housing. Despite a 25-year history, the firm was entering a classic doom-loop, with revenues dwindling, warring factions, staff exits, and a faltering brand. To stabilize and grow, the firm needed to reimagine itself. At the behest of the Board, a WhiteLabel partner joined in a senior leadership role. During their tenure, they led initiatives to develop strategic plans, rebranding and, most importantly, developing a research function that would define the issues, and support its core outreach function. As part of their work, they redesigned the firm’s key revenue-producing research product, and the process of putting it together, integrating greater member feedback and expanding the scope, but narrowing the focus, of the organization’s work. They also worked in member recruitment, and in advocacy, developing campaigns, and working with legislators to enact significant reforms. During their tenure, the firm significantly increased revenues, membership, and efficacy.

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